
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Modifying the Colors Available in a Chart

In OBIEE 10g it was possible to set the color attributes for a chart by modifying palette.cxml file.How can you do this in OBIEE 11g?

Edit following file
Add lines after </SliceLabel> to specify the colours.  Here is an example giving a range of colours:

<Series id="0" color="#4a9cd9" borderColor="#4a9cd9"/>
<Series id="1" color="#f68e55" borderColor="#f68e55"/>
<Series id="2" color="#a4aadc" borderColor="#a4aadc"/>
<Series id="3" color="#ffff66" borderColor="#ffff66"/>
<Series id="4" color="#99cc66" borderColor="#99cc66"/>
<Series id="5" color="#9de3f9" borderColor="#9de3f9"/>
<Series id="6" color="#dbacf3" borderColor="#dbacf3"/>
<Series id="7" color="#cc6699" borderColor="#cc6699"/>
<Series id="8" color="#886ecc" borderColor="#886ecc"/>
<Series id="9" color="#fac969" borderColor="#fac969"/>
<Series id="10" color="#1cc1f5" borderColor="#1cc1f5"/>
<Series id="11" color="#ccff99" borderColor="#ccff99"/>

Refer the below link for Hex code.

This way you can modify the colors for chart. Try it out.

" No Result " Custom message with Information icon

To get " No Result " Custom message with information icon like the following image,

Go to results tab, click Edit Analysis Property icon and place the below text in messages section.

<table cellspacing=0 width="300" ><tr>
<td class="ErrorTitle" valign=top ><img src="res/sk_blafp/common/title_info.png">&nbsp;</td><td class="ErrorTitle" align=left>No Results</td></tr><tr>
<td>&nbsp;</td><td class="ErrorInfo">The specified criteria didn't result in any data.<span style="font-size: 6pt;"><br><br></span><font point-size=4><br></font></td></tr>
<style type="text/css">
td.ResultLinksCell {

Try this, It works.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

OBIEE11g Report Logo’s

OBIEE has some nice default report logo’s. Problem is you don’t always have access to the directory to browse them. Here is a Cheat Sheet:

Moving View Selector to Left Side in OBIEE 11g

Need to add

VSelSelector{padding-bottom:2px;text-align:left;}. line in views.css file from the below mentioned paths.





Save the files and restart OPMNCTL then we can see View Selector changes to the Left from center.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Get the previous row value in OBIEE 11g

Way of getting a value of the previous row: Use MSUM (MovingSum)

Actuals: "MCSR"."Actuals PJTD"

Previous Actuals:  MSUM("MCSR"."Actuals PJTD",2) - "MCSR"."Actuals PJTD"

Try this.....

OBIEE Calendar Control View

An alternative view to presenting data to the user. Try this...

select month year, year week,Day of week ,and  measure column...

Month year:

Evaluate('TO_CHAR(%1,%2)' as character(30), "D5.Times"."Day Date"  ,'MON-YYYY')

Year week :

WEEK_OF_YEAR("D5.Times"."Day Date")

Day of the week:

CAST(DAYOFWEEK("D5.Times"."Day Date") as varchar(2)) || ' - '||DAYNAME("D5.Times"."Day Date")


 '<b>'||cast("D5.Times"."Day Date" as char)||'</b><br><P STYLE="text-align: right;">'||CAST("XXX"."Budget PJTD" AS char)

It concats the date with the fact and adds some HTML Formatting
Alter the column properties [data format] to HTML:

Put it all in a pivot view 

 Check the results:

OBIEE Patches are available

OBIEE Patches

16094198 Patch (1 of 7) Oracle Business Intelligence Installer
16094192 Patch (2 of 7) Oracle Real Time Decisions
16080520 Patch (3 of 7) Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
16094205 Patch (4 of 7) Oracle Business Intelligence ADF Components
16094211 Patch (5 of 7) Enterprise Performance Management Components Installed from BI Installer
16067995 Patch (6 of 7) Oracle Business Intelligence
16097082 Patch (7 of 7) Oracle Business Intelligence Platform Client Installers and MapViewer

Monday, February 11, 2013

Blink Characters in OBIEE

We can make the characters blink in OBIEE Answers/Dashboard by making use of the specified CSS style in the column properties tab.The CSS style that should be used is “ text-decoration:blink; ”