Action Link : Navigate to
another report and pass parameters. Create actions that
navigate to related content or that invoke operations, functions, or processes
in external systems
Add to Briefing
Books : Provides a way to see content offline and share it with others.
Information of a dashboard can be saved locally on users desktop.
BI Answers : It is the base component of BI Presentation Service to create Web report . It provides: ad-hoc query and analysis capabilities.
Column selector :
It is a drop-down list from which
users can dynamically change the columns that display in result. This will
allow user to analyse data along several dimensions.
Formatting : It allows to apply formats to a cell or range
of cells, and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or
the value of a formula. For example, you can have a cell appear bold only when the value of the cell
is greater than 100.
Drill Down : It is to move from summary Report to detailed Report.
Export to PDF : Particular Report or Dashboard can be
saved locally on users desktop in PDF format
Graph Zooming and
Panning : User can zoom or pan on graphs either vertically or horizontally.
Hierarchy Column
: This column is displayed in tree-like structure and allows user to
drill deeper in to the data to view more detailed information.
Login Screen : Screen on which
users login to BI Analytics.
Month Slider : It provide slider
selection (Months Between ) for month.
Mouse Over on Bar
Graph : Bar value gets displayed when user mouse over a bar.
Pivot View : This view displays
results in a pivot table, which provides a summary
view of data in
cross-tab format.
Print : It provides a
facility to print the report or dashboard.
Slider in Line Graph : It is to slide through the specific values of a particular column, changes the chart view for each value.
Sorting Order : To sort the
report in either ascending or descending order.
Ticker : It is a view to display data like news
tickers. it is effective in providing some highlights of the report or static
text to the users.
Top N Analysis : To display only
the n top-most or the n bottom-most data from a table based on a condition.
View Selector : It is
to switch between multiple complex layouts, each comprising multiple
views. View selector can present different views of data that originates from a
single query.
KPI : A KPI is a
measurement of a particular business process which is compared against specific
goals and objectives of an organization. KPI’s are typically tracked over time
as a way to monitor performance and drive business decisions to help improve
upon that performance
Scorecard : Scorecards allow
you to model the objectives and initiatives that comprise your corporate
strategy, evaluate their performance by assigning KPIs, and determine and
display overall performance.
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